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Website in a Week (Pay in Full)(50% Off BETA Slot)

Website in a Week (Pay in Full)(50% Off BETA Slot)

Regular price $1,747.50 USD
Regular price $3,495.00 USD Sale price $1,747.50 USD
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

What it includes:

  1. 5 page website: home page, about page, long form sales/offers page, testimonials/portfolio page and contact page.
  2. Vision Aligned Branding: Custom brand board, Color Palette, Custom Fonts and Word Mark Logo.
  3. Get prepared checklists and constant communication during your website curation.
  4. 30 day post project assistance and training manual on how to update your website in the future.

5 business day turn around time

$100 in savings when payment
is made in full upon booking

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